Fabiano Schivardi is Professor of Economics at LUISS, where he is also Vice-Rector for research. He is a research fellow at EIEF and CEPR.
His main areas of interest are industry dynamics, productivity and entrepreneurship. In 2019 he was awarded an ERC advanced grant on the European productivity growth divergence. He obtained his B.A. in Bocconi in 1992 and his PhD in Economics at Stanford in 1998.
Priori to joining Luiss, he worked for the Research Department of the Bank of Italy and for Bocconi University, where he was the holder of an endowed chair in Entrepreneurship. He has consulted for the EU, the ECB, the Bank of Italy and the Italian Government.
His work has been published in leading academic journals, among which the Journal of Political Economy, The American Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies, The Review of Financial Studies, The RAND, The Journal of the European Economic Association.