
Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.

A tal fine tutte le comunicazioni Sose si trovano sul sito Sogei www.sogei.it


Giancarlo Ferrara graduated in Statistical and Economic Sciences at the University of Palermo, where he also obtained a Ph.D. in Statistics. He is also the author of publications on enterprises' productivity and efficiency. 

During his professional experience, he has held positions of responsibility in sector studies methodologies and other relevant projects. 

At present, he is SOSE Research Department Manager and has recently coordinated the test phase of new statistical-economic analysis methodologies aimed at the development of the new Synthetic Indexes of Reliability (ISA), the new fiscal compliance tool replacing Sector Studies. 

He is a Member of the Committee of ISA Experts and Editor of the series SOSE Working Papers.