
Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.

A tal fine tutte le comunicazioni Sose si trovano sul sito Sogei www.sogei.it



ForumPA2022 will take place from 14 to 17 June at the Auditorium della Tecnica in Rome and online on the digital platform of FPA. A unique opportunity for meeting, discussion and dialogue between public, private and institutions that will be the protagonists of the relaunch of economic growth. The major issues at the heart of the work tables have a single common denominator: the creation of an ecosystem to support the restart and modernization of the country thanks to the resources provided by the PNRR. 

SOSE participates again this year to the forum within the #spazioMEF section with a talk that will be held on Tuesday, June 14 at 11 am, organized in collaboration with the General Accounting Department of the State. 

Mend Italy: local finance and PNRR to overcome territorial gaps. This is the title of the talk that places at the center of the comparison between SOSE, Accounting General State and Technical Commission for Standard Requirements, the reduction of territorial gaps. A central theme in the political debate and, for some time, a strategic objective of cohesion policy, both national and Community. The Eurostat data, recently published, provides an encouraging picture of the imbalances in our country, from North to South, both in terms of income distribution and access to public services.  

In terms of equalization of resources, according to the provisions of the Delegated Law No. 42/2009 in the context of the federalist reform, mechanisms based on standard needs and tax capabilities are provided for. During the first years of application, this rebalancing took place only in part, both as a result of the contraction of the available resources and because of the lack of definition of the Essential Performance Levels (LEP), provided by the Constitution. 

Today, the full implementation of federalism is one of the main challenges that await Italy and for this reason the National Recovery and Resilience Plan counts it among the enabling reforms and imposes a deadline for the first half of 2026. In the PNRR, the rebalancing of territorial gaps has taken on a transversal priority and for this reason, the introduction of service objectives and LEP for some of the key functions performed by municipalities (crèches, social services and transport of students with disabilities), together with the allocation of the necessary resources to finance them, represents an innovation of system able to mend the country. 

The new course of fiscal federalism, combined with the extraordinary opportunity represented by the PNRR, can be a system response not only to the crisis caused by the 2020 pandemic but also to the gaps that have always slowed the growth of the country. 

The event, moderated by the Chief Communication and Marketing Officer SOSE, Fabio Basile, will be attended by the CEO and DG SOSE, Stefano Antonio Sernia; the Accountant General of the State, Biagio Mazzotta; the Chief Inspector General for Public Administration Finance of RGS, Salvatore Bilardo; the President of the Technical Commission for Standard Requirements, Alberto Zanardi and the Head of Relations with SOSE public clients, Marco Stradiotto.