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There is something that comes before politics and that marks its limit. Something that is not available to any majority and to any opposition: moral unity, sharing a single destiny, feeling responsible for each other. 

Speech by Sergio Mattarella on the Anniversary of National Day of the Republic

The debate of ideas


The effects of GDP forecast uncertainty according to lavoce.info.

In the near future the global economy will be affected by a significant GDP decrease due to Covid-19 impact. The emerging scenario shows a great uncertainty that could worsen the crisis and slow recovery.


A new way to speak about sustainable development.

To mitigate the risk of new health crises it is necessary to consider sustainable development and use innovative methods to interpret natural, social, and economic phenomena. This is revealed in the third edition of the new online catalogue “Sustainable development and Covid-19” published by SNA – Scuola nazionale dell’amministrazione.


Studies, research and numbers


The numbers and the updates of the Recovery Plan.

A new tool to allocate 750 billion euro that will increase the EU budget. Here data, updates and analyses by EU Commission on Recovery Plan.


The expenditure needs of public sector communicated by MEF.

In the month of May 2020, the public sector balance registered expenditure needs for 25.500 million, increasing by 24.500 million compared to the same period of 2019 (949 million).  In the first five months of the year the expenditure needs amounted to 74.400 million.


Weekly update of the liquidity task force.

The requests for moratoriums on loans were about 2,4 million for a total of 260 billion  euro and the requests for guarantees on new loans submitted to the Guarantee Fund by SMEs exceeded 480.000. “Garanzia Italia” of Sace has granted guarantees for 418 million euro corresponding to 44 loan requests. 


The report of the parliamentary inquiry Committee on bank system concerning the implementation of anti-crisis regulations.

Loans non exceeding 25 thousand euro distributed pursuant to the anti-crisis measures adopted by the Government correspond to about the half of the requests, those exceeding 25 thousand euro to about a quarter. 


ECB: the new numbers of PEPP.

The funds allocated for the Pandemic emergency purchase programme will be increased by 600 billion euro for a total of 1350 billion. This was reported by ECB in the note concerning the adopted resolutions.


UE in the World: a portrait of the European Union through numbers.

The publication “EU In the world - 2020” published by Eurostat every second year providing a statistical portrait of the European Union in relation to the rest of the world is online. The document is structured in three parts (people and society; economy; environment).


Employed and unemployed; ISTAT data.

The generalized employment decrease (1,2% equal to 274 thousand units) involves women (-1,5, equal to -143thousand units) men (-1,0%, equal to -131thousand units), employees (-1,1% equal to -205thousand units), professionals (-1,3% equal to -69thousand units) and all age groups.


The economic results of enterprises and multinational corporations at territorial level are online.

37,7% of value added is produced in North-West, 25,4% in the North-East, 20,5% in the Centre and 16,4 in the South. These are some data provided by ISTAT as regards territorial economic results.


How is Retail trade? ISTAT data can help us understand it.

A10,5% decrease in the value of sales and a 11,4% decrease in the volume of sales are expected in the retail sector in April 2020 compared to March. In the period February- April 2020 retail sales have registered a 15,8% decrease in value and 16,6% decrease in volume compared to the preceding quarter.


The survey conducted by Banca d’Italia on international goods transports is online.

In 2019 Italy’s balance of payments recorded a freight transport deficit of 5,5 billion euro, a slight decrease compared with the preceding year. This is revealed by a survey by Banca d’Italia on international goods transports conducted in 2019.


Italian consumers’ profiles: the survey by McKinsey.

The Italians remain pessimistic about recovery and have changed their consumptions: 40% are become more price-sensitive, 61% intend to shop more online.

The voice of stakeholders


Rapid survey on industrial production, the numbers of Confindustria.

In May Italy’s industrial production decreased by 33,8% compared with the preceding year. In the last three months since the adoption of anti-Covid measures the seasonally adjusted index is 34,2% lower than in February.


8 enterprises out of 10 have resumed activities: the survey by Confcommercio-Swg.

According to the survey by Confindustria-Swg one third of trade and service enterprises that have resumed activities estimate a 70% revenue decrease, while 28% of them risk to close definitively.


Road transport: the weight of lockdown described by Confcommercio.

900 million kilometres less, a revenue loss of 1,8 billion, and a 30% decrease in new enterprises. These are the data of March and April elaborated by the Research Department of Confcommercio for Conftrasporto and accessible here.


The report “The difficult transition in phase 2” by Confartigianato is online.

Between February and April, the number of employed, excluding seasonal worker, decreased by 398 thousand units, a rate of 6.523 employed less per day, a decrease in two months of 1,7%. The number of employees with permanent contracts has remained almost unvaried (-29thousand units, equal to -0,2%) thanks to social shock absorbers and the prohibition of dismissal. Data analysis is available in the report “The difficult transition in phase 2” by Confartigianato.


The productivity collapse of self-employed workers documented by the observatory of Fondazione Nazionale dei Commercialisti.

In twelve years from the 2008 crisis self-employed workers have lost on average more than 13 thousand euro per employed worker. Productivity decreased by over 20%. More than any other economic sector. 


Bureaucracy slow liquidity, according to Confprofessioni.

The questionnaire submitted by Confprofessioni and UNGDCEC to 900 accountants highlights the bureaucratic difficulties in the distribution of loans.



Working makes you tired, “Smart working” more.

Psychologists and researchers have studied the effects of agile work and remote teaching on our nervous system: Smart working is a great fatigue even if it could seem the contrary sitting in an armchair. Here an evaluation and an in-depth analysis of the way we have to elaborate information remotely


The analysis of “smart working” and a glance on the future of agile working in a research by FPA.

According to a research by FPA carried out on 5225 workers, of whom 4200 public employees, 92,3% of PA employees is in Smart working. For 88% of them smart working is a positive experience, for 61% the new culture of flexibility and cooperation will prevail also after the emergency.


“Immuni” app, the debut.

Since June 1st “Immuni”, the app for contact tracing is available freely in Apple and Google stores. All the information is available in the website https://www.immuni.italia.it/.


Italy, more and more SPIDs.

A high increase in the diffusion of SPIDs, digital identities, has been recorded in 2020. The number of SPIDs has increased from 5millio and 400 thousand in 2019 to over 1,5 million in the first five months of 2020, exceeding 7 million active users.

Local authorities

Payments of PA debts: agreement signed by MEF and Cdp

The Ministry of Economy and Finance and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti signed an agreement for the payments of certain, liquid and payable debts of Local Authorities, Regions and Autonomous Provinces, at the date of December 31st 2019, related to service provisions, supplies, tenders and obligations for professional services.

The world of MEF

Hearing of Mr. Gualtieri, Minister of Economy and Finance before the Bank System Inquiry Committee

The numbers related to the moratoriums on loans amounting to 260 billion are positive. This was stated by Mr. Gualtieri during the hearing before the Bank and Finance System Inquiry Committee.


Issuance of 10-year BTP: the results (a success).

The amount of 14 billion Euro has been issued at a re-offer price of 99.520, equivalent to a 1.707% gross annual yield. 


Collaboration between EIB and Cassa depositi e prestiti, all the details.

1,5 billion euro for long- term loans at advantageous rates to support Italian SMEs facing the Covid-19 emergency thanks to the collaboration between the European Investment Bank and Cassa depositi e Prestiti.