Arianna Campagna graduated in Statistical and Economic Sciences at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and began her career in 1996 as researcher at ISTAT Research Office. Since 1997 she has improved her professional experience in Sogei and then in Sose designing, developping and analysing Sector Studies.
In 2011 she was appointed as head of the Area “Production of Consumption and instrumental goods” in the Unit “Sector Studies”.
Since 2013 she has been leading the research and the study of new statistical methodologies aiming to innovate production processes and to upgrade analysis methodologies already available in SOSE.
She partecipated to core team that tested and developped the new Synthetic Reliability Indexes (ISA) during the compliance process of the Public Administration.
From March to November 2019 she is led SOSE Research Department. Now she is Manager of the production Unit Synthetic index of Reliability.