The methodology for the economic assessment of enterprises developed by SOSE has allowed the collaboration with CONSIP.
This collaboration aims to integrate the procedure for public contract award with assessment elements on the base of which it is possible to select suppliers who meet the requirements of economic efficiency and guarantee the sustainability of the service in the medium and long term.
This collaboration can be considered more in general one of the functional interventions related to public spending review (law No. 35/2012)
The characteristis of SOSE methodology
SOSE approach is based on the analysis of four main elements – profitability, efficiency, financial and asset balance. A set of indicators evaluate company performances building a system aimed to fix the essential requirements of requests for tender.
This system is based on:
- comparability between and within sectors allowing to assess the ability of MSMEs to guarantee an adequate remuneration for investors and a long-run sustainability;
- use of statistical tools that, within intersectoral parametrization systems, meet the need for representativeness of the analysed populations and reduce possible distortions deriving from the economic aspects of the analysed period;
- determination, for some indicators, of a “firm-specific” performance threshold, that guarantees the most “calibrated” evaluation of the characteristics of the analysed company.
The scoring system developed by SOSE for CONSIP, aimed to fix the essential requirements in request for tender, includes:
- a system of indicators that analyses different elements and provides a synthetic evaluation of the company’s economic situation;
- a long-run performance analysis of the last three years that ensures a more solid assessment and prevents distortions deriving from economic factor;
- an overview of the company that evaluates virtuous compensation mechanisms so as other different factors;
- an ongoing assessment of company operating conditions that guarantee the provision of services to the contracting authorities over time.
The System can also be utilized in other fields supporting:
- decision-making processes of enterprises in relation to their positioning in their competitive context;
- definition of Territorial and Sectoral Development Policies as selection criterion of enterprises;
- definition of rating systems to allocate public resources promoting development policies and access to credit guarantee instruments;
- determination of bank rating tools for an efficient allocation of credit to MSMEs;
- criteria to detect enterprise crises (Legislative Decree No. 14/2019).