
Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.

A tal fine tutte le comunicazioni Sose si trovano sul sito Sogei www.sogei.it



The study analyses the levels and quality of the services offered by central and local public administrations to citizens and businesses. Marco Stradiotto, Manager of the Unit "Relations with Public Clients," will represent SOSE in the event.

In the field of Public Finance, since 2010, SOSE has been committed to determining Standard expenditure Needs within fiscal federalism implementation. Thanks to this institutional mandate, SOSE has acquired great expertise in local finance issues, which constitutes its analytical contribution to the CNEL Report.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, SOSE, as a methodological partner of the Financial Administration, has supported MEF and the State General Accounting Office to analyse municipal expenditure changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The company developed an income map of the Italian local authorities affected by the health emergency and supported the political decision-makers in defining financial support measures for local authorities. In this way, SOSE has contributed to the adoption by MEF of data-driven policies.

The CNEL Annual Report represents an important opportunity for institutional debate, especially in the year of the pandemic crisis, which put both the country's productive sectors and the central and local administrations to the test, forcing them to face completely extraordinary situations.

The event on March 30 will begin with the greetings from the President of CNEL, Tiziano Treu, followed by the speech of the Minister for Public Administration, Renato Brunetta.


Alessandro Geria and Efisio Gonario Espa, directors at CNEL, will introduce and summary the Report followed by the speeches by Fabrizia Lapecorella (Mef), Enzo Risso (Ipsos), Cristina Stringher (Invalsi) and Marco Stradiotto (SOSE).

It is possible to follow the event in live streaming on CNEL website and youtube.