
Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.

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2020 will be remembered as the year of the great pandemic, a health emergency that quickly became economic and social, impacting all productive and professional sectors.

The situation required the public decision-maker to act promptly and punctually, collecting and processing qualified and robust data that could support and guide the decision-making process.

This research and analysis work first involved all branches of MEF - Ministry of Economy and Finance but also public and private entities, research centers, universities, and study groups.

Thus, a real emergency ecosystem was created, oriented towards a data-driven society. In this scenario, SOSE has contributed by supporting the Department of Finance and The State General Accounting Department.

The 2021 edition of WEST, which will take place on Thursday, 8 April, from 10 to 13, in digital format, will focus on these issues.

Three reports at the centre of the meeting:

• The effects of the pandemic on the economic fabric of businesses - Prof. Fabiano Schivardi, LUISS

• The possibilities offered by the new National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Prof. Giampaolo Arachi, University of Salento

• The forecasts on the economic system development - Prof. Guido Romano, CERVED

The scheduled reports will focus on three main themes: the consequences of the pandemic on companies’ economic fabric and the effects of the fiscal shock on Italian local authorities. The health emergency's impact on companies' liquidity needs is at the centre of the studies proposed in 2020 by Prof. Fabiano Schivardi, Professor of Economics at LUISS, and Guido Romano, Economist, Head of the Research and External Relations Office of CervedGroup. Prof. Giampaolo Arachi of the University of Salento will propose an analysis of the possibilities offered by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Fabrizia Lapecorella, Director of the Department of Finance, and Biagio Mazzotta, State Accountant General, will represent the Financial Administration at the event.

WEST will be an opportunity to investigate the frontier issues to which SOSE, as a Financial Administration partner, contributes through this public event.

Click here to join the event.