
Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.

A tal fine tutte le comunicazioni Sose si trovano sul sito Sogei www.sogei.it


OpenCivitas.it has been updated with 2018 data related to the determination of the expenditure needs of wider area authorities, metropolitan districts and provinces. New data for large area entities were collected with a questionnaire administered in 2020. For these entities, the standard requirements are the indices of financial needs expressed in monetary terms and correspond to the sum of the standard requirements of each service. 

The Expenditure Needs Project, initiated by Legislative Decree n. 216 of 2010, provides for the preparation, by SOSE, methodologies aimed at the determination of expenditure needs with the aim of reviewing the criteria for the allocation of resources to local authorities.  

The 2021 Budget Act introduced new provisions aimed at accelerating the implementation of the reform of metropolitan provinces and cities. In particular, since 2022, two funds have been set up in which the resources of the Experimental Rebalancing Fund and the contributions to finance the fundamental functions of these entities have been combined, given their peculiarities and complexity.   

As required by Law No. 178 of 2020, these resources must be allocated progressively taking into account the standard needs and tax capabilities of individual entities. What has already happened in the municipalities of the regions with ordinary statutes with the Municipal solidarity fund is a reference experience also for so-called large-area entities.   

In the course of 2021 SOSE has renewed the methodology that allows to determine the standard requirements for the agencies of wide area of the regions to ordinary statute taking into account the dispositions introduced from the Law n. 56 of 2014 on the new institutional order of the provinces and metropolitan cities and the perimeter of the fundamental functions that these bodies are called to perform. The approved methodological review made it possible to determine the standard needs of each institution in monetary terms.     

On OpenCivitas.it you can view a summary of the data of the body analyzed, compare the expenditure needs with the historical expenditure and consult the most important indicators. The available data relate to the year 2018. In addition, in the sections Expenditure quality analysis and Allocation of funds it is possible to further deepen both the comparison between lower and higher expenditure with fewer and more services/load factors, and the distribution of the experimental Fund for rebalancing.  

In OpenCivitas you can find all the fundamental functions identified by the standard for large area entities.  

Since 2022, the metropolitan districts and provinces sector has taken an important step forward in the process of implementing the fiscal federalism provided for by the Constitution and the relevant delegated law, No. 42 of 2009.