Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.
A tal fine tutte le comunicazioni Sose si trovano sul sito Sogei www.sogei.it.
The regulatory changes provided for by the Budget Laws 2021 and 2022 on the subject of LEP and service objectives, as well as the reporting mechanisms resulting from them, will be the topics at the heart of the cycle of webinars organized by the General Accounting Department of the State and SOSE.
In the last two years fiscal federalism has made important new steps forward: the Budget Law for 2021, in fact, has increased the endowment of the Municipal Solidarity Fund in order to allocate additional resources to finance social services and with the Budget Law for 2022 additional resources have been provided for the enhancement of the student transport service disabled persons and municipal crèches, with particular attention to those areas of the country where the provision of these services is particularly inadequate.
The introduction of the service objectives associated with additional resources will facilitate the provision of services of particular social importance and the achievement of uniform minimum levels throughout the country. The municipalities are called to know the reporting and monitoring mechanisms provided for by the legislation and proceed with the drafting of the final report. This activity requires great attention on the part of administrations and an adequate level of knowledge.
For these reasons RGS and SOSE organize this cycle of webinars and, with the aim of encouraging a widespread participation of the municipalities and supporting the capillarity of the initiative, the meetings will be divided by macro geographical areas.
The webinars will be held from 11:00 to 13:00, on MS Teams platform and will involve:
Antonietta Fortini, Head of the General State Accountancy - Ministry of Economy and Finance
Marco Stradiotto, Head of Relations with Public Clients SOSE
Larysa Minzyuk, SOSE Study Center
During the meetings will be introduced the regulatory and institutional scenario within which LEP and service objectives are located, and it will be possible to test a guided navigation of the SOSE platform dedicated to the reporting of additional resources. Moreover, through the interaction and the sharing of concrete examples, useful solutions can be made available to the participants. Participants can ask questions in writing using the dedicated chat. Each meeting can accommodate a maximum of 1000 participants and additional sessions will be provided in case of need.
The materials used during the webinars will be made available on this page and the recordings of the meetings will be published on YouTube.