Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.
A tal fine tutte le comunicazioni Sose si trovano sul sito Sogei www.sogei.it.
At ForumPA2020 within #SpazioMEF, SOSE organized a seminar dedicated to the assessment of Covid Crisis’s impact on territories. The Company presented data and maps elaborated to analyze local phenomena and based on an intelligent and targeted methodology aiming to meet their needs.
When decision-makers can rely on data creating public value, also resilience is possible, not only Covid. If the ability to understand the available information guides the data-driven society to support decision-makers, SOSE plays a leading role thanks to the experience acquired in the elaboration of Synthetic Indexes of Reliability – ISAs and Standard Expenditure Needs.
To contribute to the post-Covid recovery and as Financial Administration’s methodological partner, SOSE has studied and projected tools useful to understand the pandemic impact on Italian society, from Local Authorities to the public finance dynamics.
In this context, SOSE has developed the Italian Municipalities' income distribution maps to assess the effects of the economic crisis and provide policymakers with valuable information. SOSE has presented the new tool based on a methodology elaborated by its experts at FORUMPA 2020- Resilienza Digitale within a thematic seminar that, with other events of #SpazioMEF, represented the contribution of the Ministry, the agencies, and its controlled companies to the study of the Country's resilience.
Marco Stradiotto, Manager of the SOSE Unit “Public Finance”, with Claudia Settimi and Laura Benedetti, statistical analysts, illustrated the variables and the dynamics taken into account to build the model, starting from the information of DEF and the data about employment provided by ISTAT. The experts highlighted the real strength of the model useful to assess any economic effect and support projecting and planning local public policies in the most severe financial crises.
Sonia Caffù of the State Accounting General – MEF participated in the seminar praising SOSE work and professionalism.
The two attached documents illustrate the model construction and the definition of the Italian municipalities' income profile maps.