
Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.

A tal fine tutte le comunicazioni Sose si trovano sul sito Sogei www.sogei.it



The XXXIX edition of the ANCI Annual Assembly, hosted this year in the splendid setting of the city of Bergamo, has come to an end. Three days of work in which SOSE participated in person, resuming a consolidated tradition interrupted during the years of pause imposed by the pandemic.   

It was a fruitful opportunity for meeting and debate during which SOSE experts met with dozens of local administrations who visited the stand set up in Pavilion A of the Bergamo Fair. An information space which, coherently with the activity carried out by SOSE over the last few months, was dominated by the key words of the debate on fiscal federalism, namely LEP, service objectives, social, kindergartens and disability. 

The mayors and technicians who turned to the stand asked for clarifications, above all regarding the methods of using the additional resources received from the Municipal Solidarity Fund for the improvement of the crèche service and the transport of students with disabilities. SOSE has answered all of them through its experts and using the data published on OpenCivitas.it, the portal managed on behalf of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance where the data relating to the standard needs and public finances of the institutions are published Italian venues.   

Through social networks, SOSE told its followers on Twitter and LinkedIn about these three days of work, sharing images of the numerous moments of meeting that followed and proposing ad hoc content relating to the substantive issues that most closely affect the institutions. For the occasion, SOSE also created a web page summarizing the main information that is necessary to know about LEP and service objectives and made it available to participants via QR-Code. Lastly, a video was created to answer the questions posed by the municipalities on the subjects under investigation and published on the YouTube channel with feedback from SOSE technicians. 

Overall, the ANCI Annual Assembly is confirmed as a crucial appointment for the world of local administrations and consequently for SOSE which has one of its main interlocutors in the municipalities. The 2022 edition allowed the company to strengthen its role at the service of the Financial Administration and consolidate its relationship with local Italian administrators.   

The appointment is set for the next edition, with the intention of continuing to experiment with ever more effective forms and methods of technical interaction and communication.