Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.
A tal fine tutte le comunicazioni Sose si trovano sul sito Sogei www.sogei.it.
Also this year SOSE participates in the annual conference of the Italian Society of Economy.
SOSE has created two works for this XXXIV edition. The first, produced by the collaboration between the Department of Finance and SOSE, will be presented in the morning session of 15 September dedicated to the Italian tax authorities. The title of the paper is “A Corporate Income Tax Microsimulation Model for Italy”.
In particular, the paper describes the IRES Microsimulation Model "CITSIM-DF": it is a policy analysis tool designed to guide reform actions and evaluate the heterogeneous impact of tax policies in financial and distributive terms on tax rates actual averages. The model allows for the simulation of different policy scenarios, enabling a measurement of the effects of tax law changes. Some of the main regulatory interventions taken into consideration are those envisaged by the "Transition 4.0" plan.
The model uses a database that integrates data from tax returns and financial statements of joint-stock companies for the period 2008-2019, allowing analysis from a dynamic perspective. One of the main innovative elements is the ability to project fiscal and economic variables forward, as well as having a system which, at company level, allows the different composition of fixed assets and prospective investments to be defined. This tool will be further enhanced by the integration of a now-casting model which will make it possible to update, at the individual company level, the economic and financial trends in a timely manner through the most recent information inferable from the data of the tax authorities.
Daniela Bucci, Donato Curto, Fabrizio De Grandis, Francesca Sica, Laura Limosani and Laura Benedetti collaborated in the development of the model and in the drafting of the paper. The second paper entitled "Migrants' remittances and well-being: the case of Italian provinces", produced by the SOSE study centre, focuses its attention on the economic and income situation, and therefore on the well-being, of migrants in their countries of origin.
The study was carried out by Daniele Terriaca, Larysa Minzyuk, Giancarlo Ferrara and Valeria Bucci of the SOSE study centre. The analysis focuses on the cash transfers of migrants from Italian provinces to their countries of origin from 2015 to 2019. This information provides preliminary evidence on the significant role of the level of welfare of the place of migration. In particular, empirical results show that transfers increase in the presence of a higher level of well-being in terms of education and training, work-life balance, economic well-being and the environment.
The detailed program of the Conference can be consulted by clicking here