Dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventa operativa l'incorporazione di SOSE in Sogei, come previsto dalla legge n.112 del 2023 che ha disposto la fusione della società.
A tal fine tutte le comunicazioni Sose si trovano sul sito Sogei www.sogei.it.
Global structural changes, government challenges, this is the title of the XXX Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Public Economics – SIEP that takes place in Padova, September 20th and 21st 2018.
SOSE will participate in the conference by presenting two research papers.
The first paper, entitled Riflessioni sui meccanismi di finanziamento e perequazione dei comuni italiani in relazione ai principi costituzionali a nove anni dalla legge delega sul federalismo fiscale n. 42 del 2009, will be presented on September 21st at 11 am in the Local Public Finance session.
Francesco Porcelli and Antonella Evangelista of SOSE will report on the new municipalities’ choices of financing from 2009 to present, based on the local taxation reforms that have taken place.
The second paper Local governments’ efficiency and its heterogeneity – empirical evidence from a panel stochastic frontier analysis of Italian municipalities 2010-2015 will be presented by Francesco Porcelli in the Issues in Fiscal Federalism session, September 21st at 2.30pm.